Flight Simulator for sale ($150k + GST)
Elite iGATE Model S623 Multi Crew Trainer
C172, Seneca and KingAir 200
This particular model comprises of a dual yoke. The trainer is generic and the instrument panels are photo realistic and true to life. The software used is Elite iGATE (R) V8.6P25 by ESS AG which has been modified to allow RNAV (GNSS) capability. External Visual of the runways and landscapes is used with digital elevation modelling of the terrain. The trainer comprises a composite fibreglass cockpit mock up with realistic controls with loading and adjustable seats. The instructors station comprises remote instruments as well a moving map display showing aircraft plotting in real time. The students are able to interface with the computer generated instrument panel via switches and buttons.
Navigation aides fitted are;
1. ADF (Twin needle RMI)
2. VOR (Twin needle RMI & HSI)
4. DME
5. Garmin GNS 430
The following can be carried out;
1. Basic instrument flying
2. Instrument letdowns (NDB, NDB/DME, VOR, VOR/DME, GNSS/DME arrivals, RNP - LNAV (RNAV/GNSS) and ILS/LLZ)
3. Standard instrument departures and arrivals
4. Cross country Instrument flight
5. Recency Requirements IAW Part 61 61.870, 61.875
For more information Contact Mal Sharp 0419 874 535